Saturday, January 5, 2008


I know this is the most RANDOM name for a blog but i thought it had a pretty nice there it is! Basically my purpose for this blog is just to get out a little frustration that i have in a positive way. It appears that every time i THINK i'm sitting on my "happy cloud" something dramatic occurs and i'm back in some bull...(isnt everybody tho??). SO to prevent me using my newly-learned martial arts skill against my opressors, i've decided to type it out on the keyboard of my trusty dusty toshiba notebook, Larry (yes, i named my laptop...i have a habit of naming everything).

And i have a habit of of rambling...somewhat and maybe that's the reason for me calling this blog unintelligible. but whatever, i just like the ring of it especially based on the fact that my screen name is TRUGENiiUS. Anywho if you like what you read feel free to let me know, hit me up, i have no life outside of school so i'm pretty much gonna be online regardless.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I love the fact you named your computer Larry! [Hi Larry!] I love the fact your learning Jeet Kune Do! Let's just I don't have to witness you use it on anyone! [Especially me...] Thank God for blogs. I promise to read ever so faithfully!