Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Dumb and the Intellecutals: A story

Sometimes the actions of others makes me wonder if I am the only sane person around (well…I know my mama and my best friend are sane but still). Better yet, maybe I am one of the few MATURE and INTELLIGENT people in my age range.
Wonder why I am so irritated at the moment? Well kids, pull out the blankets, here comes a story:

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are fiction; names have been changed to protect the innocent (and the not-so-innocent)

I have this friend, Pinky. She’s a college student like me and we have a lot of similar traits (she thinks completely out of the box also). She’s ultra gorgeous and all the guys want her (for sex and sometimes not). Well…Pinky met this guy. A musician. His stage name was Blakk. Obviously he raps. She had heard about Blakk’s ex-girlfriend Tian and how she was a little “loose” and jealous and what have you. Well, Pinky is the type of gal that likes to form her own opinions about others so she took note of what she heard about Blakk and Tian and went on to get to know him.

They started dating and Pinky asked Blakk about his relationship with Tian. He said that Tian was obsessed with him and that he wasn’t interested in her and all that other stuff…

Pinky later finds that Blakk is still messing around with Tian and what’s even more disturbing is that he was abusive to both Tian and another girlfriend Wanda. Pinky noticed his controlling tendencies and how he liked to accuse her of cheating so she decided she needed to distance herself from Blakk. In the process of learning about Tian and Wanda, they all become friends, especially Tian and Pinky. Tian tells Pinky about how she and Blakk had been together for so long that she wasn’t sure she could get out of the relationship (yes, Tian and Blakk were still “together” despite what Blakk told Pinky). But Pinky, being the good-natured gal she is says that she will support Tian in her efforts to leave Blakk for good.

Things were going quite well until Tian admitted she was being pulled back into the grips of Blakk. Pinky did her best to support but she noticed Tian was coming to her with more “incidents” occurring between her and Blakk.

Pinky didn’t know what to do. I mean, there’s only so much she can do, right??

Well...folks the story does continue. Stay tuned! in a few days i shall continue the tale of Pinky, Blakk, Tian, Wanda, and God knows who else in THE DUMB AND THE INTELLECUTAL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well...all I can say's obvious who the dumb and the intellectuals are in this